TSN CertificationTSN CertificationTSN Certification

About us

About TSN Certification

EUAS (Euro Universal Accreditation Systems) recognises TSN Certifiation to provide accredited certification of management systems according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 13485 and others.

TSN Certification offers various services Worldwide, many of the services hold accreditations where applicable. Each accreditation follows a uniform management system which is operated by a separate legal entity within the group. The appointed legal entity is TSN Certificate, regarding the EUAS schemes and accreditations. For more details, please contact TSN Certification at info@tsncertification.com or the website of the accreditation body.

TSN Certification is a multinational certification registrar. We have 8 offices in India and neighbouring countries from where we serve over 5,000 clients. We were established in 2020 and we are Indias’ pioneer standards body. We have a pool of 20 auditors & technical experts. We provide you with industry leading inspection, verification, testing and certification services anywhere in India & abroad.

The TSN Certification team is headed by able and experienced management, well-qualified personnel and trained work force all dedicated to deliver the highest possible levels of customer satisfaction.

Want to know more about us? Just call us

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