TSN CertificationTSN CertificationTSN Certification

Six Sigma Certification

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a methodology used to improve business processes by utilizing statistical analysis rather than guesswork. This proven approach has been implemented within a myriad of industries to achieve hard and soft money savings, while increasing customer satisfaction. SixSigma.us is at the forefront of Six Sigma certification and consulting services. We assist organizations with all aspects of the implementation process from training Champions to certifying employees at various belt levels. We can help your company determine the right individuals for training and how to choose potential projects.

The Six Sigma methodology is defined by 5 DMAIC steps. DMAIC is the acronym for Define – Measure – Analyze – Improve – Control. In addition to the 5 DMAIC steps, there is also a step zero that occurs first. It is known as six sigma leadership.

White Belt

Six Sigma quality-improvement methods focus on streamlining processes, reducing errors and improving product quality. The White Belt is offered to provide an overview of Lean and Six Sigma. With this Belt you will be able to begin your journey toward the professional competencies of the Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. After obtaining this first level belt, you can become a qualified team member of a Green Belt or Black Belt project.

White Belt Training is the first step to fully understand Lean and Six Sigma methodology and your role in it. If you are uncertain about the Six Sigma methods or if you want to get to know more about its impact, this course is perfect for you.

Yellow Belt

Six Sigma quality-improvement methods focus on streamlining processes, reducing errors and improving product quality.

The Yellow Belt Certifcation gives you a broad understading of Lean and Six Sigma quality-improvement methodologies. It helps you develop the capability to understand and use basic measuring tools to gather accurate data and share their expertise in the problem-solving process.

Yellow Belts are tasked with identifying, controlling, and monitoring potential profit loss areas and reporting this information to the Green Belts and Black Belts within the organization.

Green Belt

The Green Belt Certifcation gives you full understanding of Lean and Six sigma quality-improvement methodologies. This certification will immerse you in the vast improvement process culture, you will learn to improve daily processes using Len and Six Sigma tools. And, you will also learn to define improvement projects to satisfy the customer and reduce variation.

Green Belts are a key piece in Six Sigma projects. Their efficiently executed Lean and Six Sigma techniques can help boost a company’s financial condition. The skills and effective tool use will help individuals to learn and do more within their fiels of work.

Black Belt

The Black Belts are considered the primary problem solvers in a Lean and Six Simga process. They are devoted full time to conduct Six Sigma projects, DMAIC Projects. As a Six Sigma Black Belt, your mastery of Six Sigma techniques and strategies will help you lead top-quality projects and mentor Green Belts in your organization, where together you will identify and implement breakthrough improvements for enhanced bottom-line results.

Master Black Belt

Master Black Belt is the highest level of Six Sigma expertise. By the end of this level you will succeed in statistical analysis, strategic and policy planning, as well as implementation. As a Master Black Belt your responsibilities include deployment, training, coaching, mentoring, and providing technical support to Green Belts and Black Belts. Your goal as a master is to cultivate a greater appreciation and understanding of the statistical awareness required to be a Six Sigma leader.

At the beginning of each topic is a detailed review of the must knows from Black Belt level material. One result of building the Master Black Belt curriculum from the Black Belt material is to create a deeper understanding of the DMAIC roadmap. In addition, increasing the knowledge base of statistical methods will assist future Master Black Belts to become better leaders of four week Black Belt programs.


  • 5/133, Ground Floor, Vineet Khand-5, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
  • +91 97167 78456
  • info@tsncertification.com

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