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ISO 29990:2010 Learning Services For Non-Formal Education And Training Certification

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ISO 29990:2010 Certification

ISO 29990 is a quality management system standard for providers of education and training services. ISO 29990 gives a unified model for a quality and professional mode of operation, as well as a ordinary reference point for both LSPs and their clients for the conceptualization, development and delivery of the particular programme.

ISO 29990 Certification – Learning Services Management Systems has been developed in reaction to the need for a generic model for professional practice and quality performance of learning service givers. QRO Cert gives comprehensive ISO29990 audits against the standard, certifying that every stage of your operation aligns with ISO learning service quality assurance necessities.

ISO 29990 is essentially subdivided into two areas: learning services (for example, these services include designing, given that and monitoring of learning services) and management at the learning service supplier for example business planning, financial management, risk management as well as human resources management. This Standard is the first Standard for learning providers that is applicable and applied on an international scale. The advantages for learning providers are transparency of their own services, global comparability and defined procedures for quality assurance. QRO Cert is an objective demonstration of conformity, creating confidence for learners and other concerned parties in the capacity of the organization to achieve quality throughout the learning procedure.

Benefits of ISO 29990:2010

  • The International ISO 29990:2010 Standard determines the fundamental needs for learning service providers in non-formal education and training.
  • Develop the transparency and comparability of the non-formal education and learning services.
  • Enhancing Learning services provider’s business forms and amplifying LSP’s hierarchical adequacy.
  • ISO 29990:2010 is an international acknowledged standard that can be used for the quality management system for providing and monitoring of learning services, risk management, financial management and human resources management as well.
  • ISO 29990:2010 achievement provides the total quality management and methodical development in your organization for efficient learning and training services.
  • ISO 29990:2010 is useful for learners, facilitators and other parties who encouraged by effectual learning results.
  • Enhance your learner confidence to be 3rd party learning services for non-formal education and training certified.
  • Meet administrative needs and customer expectations.
  • Enlarge efficiency, cut expenses and monitor the non-formal education and training services.

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