TSN CertificationTSN CertificationTSN Certification


The value of accreditation

Transparent and credible governance of certification bodies through the accreditation process is fundamentally important to the value of independent assessment and certification.

It is central to stakeholder confidence in ensuring that the competence of assessors and the impartiality of the decision-making process is maintained. Accredited certification of management systems to recognized national or international standards provides organizations with a credible means of managing risk, improving efficiencies, and fostering continual improvement and greater competitiveness.

Accreditation is the process by which a certification body is recognised to offer certification services. In order to become accredited, Veritas Assurance is required to implement a Quality Management System which is assessed by an Independent Authorised Body (National Accreditation Body) to determine that it meets International Standards. Veritas Assurance is audited annually to ensure its services meet the exact requirements of the relevant accreditation standards.

Euro Universal Accreditation Systems (EUAS)

EUAS is independent, impartial and a paradigm pioneer in the field of accreditation.

EUAS is thought to be the largest independent accreditation body in the world. Established in 2012, the organization has been a persistent pioneer in the field of accreditation, well known and respected for its combination of innovative and user-friendly business acumen and its respect for the vigorous maintenance of integrity and impartiality that is the hallmark of the quality assurance profession.

Our Accreditations

EUAS - Euro Universal Accreditation Systems

USA Address: 1401 Morris Road, Building 1, Suite 600, Alpharetta, GA 30004, Georgia, (USA)

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