TSN CertificationTSN CertificationTSN Certification

FCC Certification

FCC Certification

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) controls interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Untied States (US) territories. An independent US government agency overseen by Congress, the commission is the US’s primary authority for communications law, regulation and technological innovation.

If these products are to be exported to the United States, they must be inspected and approved by a government-authorized laboratory in accordance with FCC technical standards. Importers and customs agents to announce each radio frequency device to comply with the FCC standard, i.e. FCC license. At present, the United States has for several years to become China’s second largest trading partner, Sino-US trade volume was growing year by year, so the US exports cannot be underestimated. US product technology standards, import regulations rigorous called the world’s first, understand the US market access rules will help China’s products to further open the US market.

All devices that operate at a clock rate of 9 kHz are required to test their product to the appropriate FCC Code.


  • 5/133, Ground Floor, Vineet Khand-5, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
  • +91 97167 78456
  • info@tsncertification.com

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