TSN CertificationTSN CertificationTSN Certification

5S Certification

5S Certification

The knowledge of removing waste in any procedures is a premium business skill. The workplace organization and incessant development system of 5S forms the foundation of all waste removal and operational brilliance practices and lean improvement activities.

5S Certification may be as informal as making your own award when your workplace first passes its internal 5S Audit, but it is an important component in having a complete and successful 5S environment.

The purpose of performing 5S Certification is to visibly demonstrate both development and compliance. This is especially important to make improvements in a large workplace with many employees.

Implementing 5S Equals Improved Safety

  • Clutter is removed, revealing hidden electrical, chemical or mechanical hazards.
  • Employees who have their eyes open for spotting ways to increase using 5S principles will be more conscious of their surroundings and potential safety hazards.
  • Cleanliness confirms spills get cleaned up ASAP, eliminating the potential for slips and falls.
  • Unsafe practices are eliminated through the standardization step of 5S
  • Having needed tools, materials and supplies close to where they are required greatly reduces travel (movement) and as a result reduces the potential for injury.

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