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CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Certification

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CMMI Certification

The Capability Maturity Model Integration, or CMMI, is a procedure model that gives a clear definition of what an organization should do to promote behaviors that lead to enhanced performance. With five “Maturity Levels” or three “Capability Levels,” the CMMI defines the most essential elements that are necessary to build great products, or deliver great services, and wraps them all up in a comprehensive model.

CMMI standard for capability maturity model is a confirmed approach to performance management with decades of results showing it works. Organizations having CMMI certification have predictable cost, schedule, efficiency and excellence—business results that serves as discriminators among their competitors.

The CMMI certification is one of many purposes representing the company’s commitment to achieving high level of brilliance performance in the area of software development as well as project management. QRO Cert associated with many software companies internationally and helped them to implements system under well structured our CMMI certification company in their organization which resulted in easy CMMI certification.

Benefits of CMMI Certification

  • Centralized QMS for implementation in projects to make sure uniformity in the documents which means less learning cycle for new resources, better management of project status and health
  • Cost saving in terms of lesser attempt due to fewer defects and less rework
  • Culture for maintaining Quality in projects begin in the mind of the junior programmers to the senior programmers and project managers
  • This also results in enlarged Productivity
  • Incorporation of Software Engineering Best Practices in the Organizations as explained in CMMI Model
  • Enhanced Productivity
  • Improved client Satisfaction
  • On-Time Deliveries
  • Reduces Costs
  • Overall enlarged Return on Investment


  • 5/133, Ground Floor, Vineet Khand-5, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
  • +91 97167 78456
  • info@tsncertification.com

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